Tag Archives: taste

The Inception

From this point on begins the research!

All the emotions and sensations!!! That is a panorama of field to focus in.
We have devices that convey information to us through visual(screens, pictures, paintings), hearing(sound, music), touch(vibration), smell(perfumes) and taste(food). But, are these used in communication as well? By communication i mean a two-way flow of information. For visual and sound, we can relate it to a video call; we have a continuous uninterrupted communication happening during a video call. When we play games using a controller, or operate our smartphones, we get feedback in the form of vibrations, which can be categorized in communication by touch. What can be thought for communication by smell and taste senses? 

There is an experiment that i would like you to do. Pinch your nostrils so that you cannot breathe, and try to eat some sugar or glucose. Does it taste as sweet as the the time when you eat it while breathing normally? No. This suggests that the sense of smell and taste are related, and maybe are under-researched to be exploited to form a communication channel. Intuitively, i do think that they are difficult fields to research on. Giving a personalized sense of smell and taste to the user is something completely new to me!! (It would be AWESOME to have a personalized smell for my devices tough!!)

I might think about the development of a device that exploits the smell and taste senses in humans. And making it work with the visual, hearing and touch would give the users an unforgettable experience.